USC Architecture B.Arch graduate. Passionate about designing environments that inspire engagement in new and meaningful ways.

Indonesian. Foodie. Film lover.





01. Timber Exchange

02. Primitive Piles
Spatially diverse community center

03. Vertical Kampung
The future of informal settlements

04. WaterHUB
A proposal for the sinking city of Jakarta
︎︎︎ USC Discovery Scholar Winner

05. Suspended

06. Coming Soon
︎︎︎ Swarm Tectonics (Thesis)


12. On Jakarta’s Public Spaces

13. Polarizing Views of Los Angeles
Reyner Banham and Mike Davis

14. Los Angeles in Noir
15. Travel Sketchbook


16. Japanese Joinery
Osujikai-tsugi 大筋違い継ぎ

17. Coming Soon

(Geo) Musical Configurations

Inspired by Christina Eve, an artist who has a neurological condition called synesthesia that allows her to see colors and shapes when she hears music, I wanted to create a system that produces geometric compsitions for different songs depending on their musical qualities. Various configurations of two-dimensional, nested geometric shapes are created by extracting Big Data from Spotify using Spotipy, a Python library and translated with a custom Virtual Studio and Grasshopper workflow. 

Typology: Generative Art

Timeline: Fall 2021 | Computer Applications in Architecture

Instructor: Sarah Hammond

Collaborators: Individual Work


1. Extract musical data

Using Spotipy, a lightweight Python library, I was able to extract musical data of songs in a playlist I created.
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials
import spotipy
import json
import pandas as pd
import csv
client_credentials_manager = SpotifyClientCredentials(“975de7f59a264458ad2c25528a4fe9e9”, “156fa188909549c4bea2a928598c70e5” )
sp = spotipy.Spotify(client_credentials_manager=client_credentials_manager)
pd.set_option(‘display.max_columns’, None)
pd.set_option(‘display.max_rows’, None)
def analyze_playlist(creator, playlist_id)
# Create empty dataframe
playlist_features_list = [“artist”,”album”,”track_name”, “track_id”,”danceability”,”energy”,”key”,”loudness”,”mode”, “speechiness”,”instrumentalness”,”liveness”,”valence”,”tempo”, “duration_ms”,”time_signature”]
playlist_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = playlist_features_list)
# Loop through every track in the playlist, extract features and append the features to the playlist df
playlist = sp.user_playlist_tracks(creator, playlist_id)[“items”]
for track in playlist:
# Create empty dict
playlist_features = {}
# Get metadata
playlist_features[“artist”] = track[“track”][“album”][“artists”][0][“name”]
playlist_features[“album”] = track[“track”][“album”][“name”]
playlist_features[“track_name”] = track[“track”][“name”]
playlist_features[“track_id”] = track[“track”][“id”]
# Get audio features
audio_features = sp.audio_features(playlist_features[“track_id”])[0]
for feature in playlist_features_list[4:]:
playlist_features[feature] = audio_features[feature]
# Concat the dfs
track_df = pd.DataFrame(playlist_features, index = [0])
playlist_df = pd.concat([playlist_df, track_df], ignore_index = True)
return playlist_df
playlist_df = analyze_playlist(“Samantha Shanne”, “1pNdFDi8sNl1La2MUcoXQM”)
playlist_df.to_excel(“more_songs_dataframe_3.xlsx”, index = False)

Output of Parsed Musical Data asdfasfasdf

2. Data Parsing & Design Parameters

Mode = Composition

Design Parameter

If mode = 0 → Rectangular composition
if mode ≠ 0 → Square composition
From Spotify for Developer Docs

Holocene, Bon Iver
Holocene, Bon Iver
mode ≠ 0 (major key → square composition)

Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen
mode = 0 (minor key → rectangular composition)

track_id = Square subdivision

Design Parameter

Python code evaluates the first four characters of track_id;
prints True if character is an integer
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
first_four_char = x[0:4]
def evaluate(word):
for i in word:
i = int(i)
a = True
a = False
word = first_four_char

The Adults are Talking The Strokes
track_id = 5ruz (True, False, False, False) = 7 subdivisions

Sunset The xx
track_id = 76G5 (True, True, False, True) = 13 subdivisions

Other Design Parameters

loudness = scale in x-direction
tempo = scale in y-direction
From Spotify for Developer Docs
From Spotify for Developer Docs

instrumentalness > 0 → move polygons and add circle
instrumentalness = 0 → do nothing, only scale
From Spotify for Developer Docs

Key = Pre-determined Color Scheme

0 (C) 
1 (C#)
2 (D)
3 (D#)
4 (E)
5 (F)
6 (F#)
7 (G)
8 (G#)
9 (A)
10 (B flat)
11 (B)
Courtesy of Wikipedia
From Spotify for Developer Docs

Final Output

Lover, Y Jeff Buckley

mode = 1 (major); key = 2 (D); danceability = 0.387; speechiness = 0.0389;
energy = 0.595; track_id = “6Jv7” (True, False, False, True)

Real Love Baby Father John Misty

mode = 1 (major); key = 7 (G); danceability = 0.417; speechiness = 0.0373;
energy = 0.686; track_id = “0Z57” (True, False, True, True)

Judas Lady Gaga

mode = 0 (minor); key = 10 (B flat); danceability = 0.664; speechiness =
0.0697; energy = 0.934

Vienna Billy Joel

mode = 1 (major); key = 10 (B flat); danceability = 0.532; speechiness =
0.0343; energy = 0.495; track_id = “4U45” (True, False, True, True)